Friday, January 4, 2013

Day 03: Flaxing my raw muscles.

Despite having the Awful Headache of Awful Awfulness yesterday evening, and getting an hour or so less sleep than I normally do, I woke up feeling amazing.  Once again I wasn't at all hungry until I'd been awake for an hour or so, and the smoothie filled the gap perfectly. This was around 8:45.

Johnny made us amazing breakfast smoothies (orange, apple and strawberry!) and because I was working early, I took my 20 almonds, some strawberries and a huge pear to work for my mid morning snack, which happened around 11.

Once again I am amazed at how filling 20 tiny almonds can be. I was completely full for three+ hours after finishing my snack, and had a later-than-usual lunch of a banana, an apple, a big handful of cherry tomatoes (the rest of the pint from Wednesday) and the last of the Suspicious Cookies from yesterday.

Live, a local resto here in Toronto usually makes amazing raw vegan food. I've eaten there and been very happy with everything I've tried, but the extremely expensive Live brand raw cookies we had yesterday were annoyingly (Suspiciously!) bland and waaaay high in fat (one cookie is 12% of the average helping of fats!) Which of course, completely throws off the 80/10/10 ratio unless you cram a whole ton more fruit and veggies into your tummy.  We won't be buying them again, although if you're in the neighbourhood you should definitely eat at the restaurant itself. Super yum.

The Suspicious Cookie made me uncomfortably full and a little bloated feeling for a couple hours after I ate it but by the time I had run up to the Chinese grocery store by my work to score an enormous pile of fruit and veggies, hit up the health food store and was heading home, I was legitimately hungry again.

Did I mention I found some Flax Crisps?

I found some Flax Crisps.

OK, found is probably wrong. Went to my local health food store (next to the Chinese market) and purchased them with coin of the realm is more accurate. Holy Moly, they are good!!

These puppies are also not cheap but worth every crispy, well rounded, flavourful bite. Which you can have a lot of, since one large cracker (2x6inches or so) is only 50 calories and 1.5g of fat. I *may* have eaten more than one. Maybe more than two and three quarters. O Happy Day!

Dinner has been another smoothie (banana, pear, ginger, strawberry and two oranges.) As soon as I'm done typing, I'm going to get some kale chips started for weekend snacking-fun-times. I will also be having an enormous salad of mixed greens, parsley, mango slices, broccoli and yellow peppers with a lime dressing.

overall, today I feel really good. My energy dipped a little mid afternoon, I think I should have eschewed Suspicious Cookie and just had two more bananas- this is what I get for giving things a second chance, darn my generous nature.  I have not had the shadow of a headache and my mood is good.

oh- and I forgot to mention, I weighed myself this morning, I was 171.8.

Here's my food diary for today! OM NOM I managed to hit up 73/19/8. still too much damned fat, out out damned cookie!!

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