Monday, January 7, 2013

Day 05: Successful Failure

One of the great things about choosing to undertake a dietary change, be it temporary or permanent is that you can choose to set it aside when you like. Unlike folks who *have* to eat a certain way because of serious health problems, a planned failure isn't the end of the world.

Having said that, I don't have 'planned failures' for being vegan- either you are, or you aren't, but everyone's 'line' of what they will and will not eat/do is different and frankly, I have way better things to do than be the Vegan Police.


Last night was our much anticipated Staff Dinner at work. Every year, our bosses have us over for dinner and wine and dine us in splendid fashion. This always happens shortly into the new year, and I started this cleanse knowing that I would be breaking it once this month, for this dinner.

However, I was very abstemious and the vegan options that were prepared for me (so considerate!) were very healthy, so it wasn't the complete orgy of cooked food depravity and wine that I was anticipating. I have a terrible time not eating something I want when it's in front of me, but I done good this time. We had carrot/orange/nutmeg soup, a huge salad (I had seconds on the salad! Arugula, pomegranate and blackberry with pine nuts. NOM) and then I had a ratatouille while the other folks had baked salmon. There was lightly steamed asparagus (still crunchy, perfect!) and I even skipped dessert and only had two very small glasses of wine, to try both kinds.

BUT before that....Yesterday was great. Weighed myself and went up from 170.8 to 171, surely due to the accidentally-oil-heavy dinner the night before. I was not daunted in the slightest and carried on. As I said before, I'm not really interested in losing a ton of weight on this diet as my primary focus, it's just for science (SCIENCE!!) that I'm weighing in.

I wasn't super hungry for breakfast yesterday, I just ate a whole banana and a huge pear.

This all changed shortly- I was ravenous all day; neeeeding more food every 90 minutes or so. Fortunately, with all the healthy choices in the fridge, this was not stressful and in fact was delicious.

Mid morning snack was that Green Smoothie of Pure Awesomeness.

Lunch was leftover dinner from the night before and a banana. However, the dinner once again had me feeling a little too full and heavy. I really thing it's the oil. The big thing we'll be changing with gourmet raw recipes we try is eliminating almost all the oil from them. Raw doesn't always equal low fat, actually often quite the opposite what with all the different nuts that are commonly used. Buyer beware!

The uncomfortably full feeling wore off very quickly though, and I was hungry enough to make myself another smoothie as an afternoon snack (carrot/spinach/pear/banana/ginger/almond milk. HOLY GOOD) and have a few kale chips less than two hours later.

Then dinners!!

Here's a link to what I ate yesterday. food orgy! even with eating planned cheat foods, I still did pretty good; 70/20/10. STILL too much fat, but today is another day and I am very motivated to hit my numbers consistently this week.