Mood: upbeat but hating wearing 2,000 layers. Brrrrr.
Weight: 167.4
Body Fat: 22.3% Yes, my body weight stayed the same and I dropped a % of body fat. Crazy.
Exercise: Light walking at work, 5km various hiking, carrying 20lb knapsack.
Stats: 82/9/9 I'm getting better at this.
Money Spent on Food: $2.99 on prunes
Breakfast: (8)
- 1 pear
- 1 tangelo
- 1 huge chunk ginger
- 1 large celery stalk
- .5 cup strawberries
- juice of 3 medium carrots
- Green Superfood powder.
This ended up being surprisingly savoury- I always forget that celery is quite salty, which cancels off a lot of the sweetness of the fruit. Still quite tasty, just surprising. I found the supplement powder once again gave me a super rush of energy in the morning.
midmorning snacks (11, 12)
-5 prunes
lunch (2:30)
-5 prunes
-coconut water
afternoon snacks (5:30)
-cherry tomatoes
-sugar snap peas
- cantaloupe
- carrot
- eggplant
- orange
- coconut water
- banana
Dinner (11)
-zucchini pasta (RECIPE HERE)
-raw marinara sauce with raw mushroom meat (RECIPE HERE)
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