I just want to document separately some of the changes that have been going on during this detox, for future reference.
WARNING: There may be poop talk. No pictures though, seriously. Who do you think I am.
a) breakouts. My skin is usually really good, but I've been breaking out in the past week, more than I have in a decade. I'm told that this is often a side effect of detoxing, but I hate it and it can stop. It's been four or five around my temples, and I thought it might be where my hair was touching my skin but I'm not sure. It's unusual, that's for sure. I also had one on my neck, and one on my back. Gross. It also might be due to the increased amount of sugar in all the fruit, but I'd hate to think so. Guess I'll go buy some teatree oil.
b) muscle aches. My middle back, below my shoulder blades but just above my waist is a very unusual place for me to have back pain- I always carry any back pain directly on top of my shoulders, as anyone who has ever tried to give me a massage knows. I've also experienced muscle ache in my very lower back, down into my glutes and upper thighs. Again, very unusual and I've not done any extra or different exercise to account for this. It could be aching from a lack of protein, I'm not sure. I don't seem to have lost any muscle tone so far. I think this is definitely a detoxing from caffeine, especially the two days when the middle back ache travelled up my neck and squeezed my brain into an almost-migraine headache. That was Not Fun.
c) energy levels so far, hard to tell since I've had such broken sleeps. However, on days when I've had a fairly normal sleep, I've felt great and had constant energy all day. I do have to keep eating more often though to maintain this. If I go too long between meals my energy does drop right off, which is to be expected.
d) weight loss. Partly due to lack of alcohol (that most delicious of empty caloric energy!) and partly due to the fact that my stomach has been full so I *feel* full, but it's been full of raw fruit and vegetables- so I've been consuming less calories overall. I lost 5 pounds last week, without trying to. Surely some of that is the fabled 'water weight' that happens when one starts a diet, but weight loss isn't the main goal of this experiment, just a fun side effect. We will see what happens for the rest of the month.
e) sensory increase. My sense of smell and taste have gotten way better. I was woken from a dead sleep by the smell of an orange the other day. On the down side, wow, people smell bad. Garbage smells *really* bad, even frozen outdoor garbage. I can smell it a block away. Cigarettes? Don't get me started. On the extremely plus side my libido has been way up, since it is so attached to smell.
Mmmm. Skin.
f) elimination. I have to be the only person on the planet who can switch a raw fruit and vegetable diet and experience mild constipation. Come to think of it, this also might account for my skin breaking out Seriously. I think I have to drink more water, Gods know I cannot eat more fibre!! HAH. The second day into this my urine became almost clear, and has stayed that way. Now, a week into this adventure- I have two words for you. Green Poop.
That is all. Happy Thursday!