The Strawberry as Art. |
Of course, once I got to work I wasn't hungry since all my blood was in my legs but as soon as I settled in I was pretty ravenous to the tune of a banana, some fresh strawberries and a serving of prunes. I even remembered to buy water- and even drink it!
My morning snack was an apple and some sugar snap peas and the tiny scrape of raw hummus from yesterday. Eaten while surfing recipes for home made raw hummus, which doesn't look to hard to make, really. I mean you have to sprout the chickpeas and some people make a real production out of it, but I've had them sprout in the fridge accidentally after I've rinsed and soaked them prior to boiling and left them in the water an extra day. So it isn't rocket science.
I was really low energy and super logie (lowgie? Lowgy? loowgie?) all afternoon until my co-worker fortuitously came back from the health food store with a salad..and a coconut water...and some RAW CHOCOLATE for me. What a champ!! We had the Spicy chocolate. It immediately turned my mood and energy right around and I am a convert to their stuff. Gush, gush.
a HUGE shout out to these guys for making a super food. Giddy Yoyo chocolate is a treat that is straight up in line with my ethics and I say, eat the hell outta it. Fly, be free, eat chocolate.
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made with pure awesomeness and sparkle fabulousness. |
1.5 cups fresh basil
1 T pine nuts
1.5 T sundried tomatoes
1.5 T minced garlic
dash lemon juice
pulse well in food processor! Note the complete lack of oil; the richness is replaced by the sundried tomatoes and you don't miss it at all. Tasty.
1.5 cups flax meal
2T smoked paprika
1T chipotle powder
mix the dry ingredients well.
2 ish cups almond milk in which onions have steeped for an hour.
Here's the hard part- I used the almond milk that the onions for the onion rings had been soaking in, in the spirit of waste not-want not. However, I'm not exactly sure how much flax meal and almond milk got used. Basically you want a paste the consistency of pancake batter. It should be easily pourable. You'll want to put about a cup of the almond milk in to the meal, stir it up and wait for 10 minutes. Stir it again and judge the consistency and adjust accordingly.
Mix well and pour onto your teflex sheet in the dehydrator and warm for 12 hours, carefully release it from the teflex with a spatula, flip it, and warm for another 2 ish hours or until the underside is also totally dry. It should crack easily. If it folds, keep warming. It's not done yet.
after all this snacking- I'm so not hungry for dinner! We'll see what I feel like in a few hours.
Here's what I've eaten so far: Eat All The Snacks!
I weighed in this morning at 167.4 lbs. I clearly need to eat more chocolate. AND BANANAS.