Saturday, February 9, 2013

Amazing Grass review: day 4

This mornings smoothie was served to me in bed along with blueberry waffles and tea, because I have the greatest boyfriend ever. What a great start for the day.

FYI, these waffles are a godsend. Vegan AND gluten free AND super tasty!
good morning, pomegranates!
I had the Amazing Meal Pomegranate Mango Infusion with my morning smoothie and it added a great berry blast to it. I found it slightly more grainy than the other ones, but still good. I think if I'd dissolved it in the almond milk first, then blended it, it would have taken care of that. A trap for young players, as my dad would say. (Hi dad! I love you!)

Here's the smoothie Johnny made for me cuz he's the best.

1 cup almond milk
1 banana
giant handful of strawberries
1 serving pomegranate mango infusion.

sweet and simple! If I'd had raspberries or something, I'd probably have added that too. I've never done raspberries in a smoothie, maybe the seeds would be weird but I bet it's pretty good.

I also had a KILLER juice for dinner. I woke up sniffly, and I wasn't sure if it was the dry air or the first incursion of the winter plague that's going around- but I'm having none of that!

Pep In Your Pants Juice
3 large carrots
2 tangelos
1 pear
3" of fresh raw ginger.

juice the heck out of it and enjoy. Spicy and frothy and amazing!
...I might have another one right now, you know.  With a giant salad, because that's how I roll.

OH! I also made one of my favourite dips, baba ganouj today. I've just enjoyed puttering in the kitchen now that the renos are almost done, it's such a pleasure cooking in there. Most baba ganouj is crazy fatty due to huge amounts of olive oil and tahini, but I cut them down to the bare minimum and it's still way flavourful (and only 47 calories and 3g fat per 2T). Most commercial baba ganoujs have mayonnaise in them (barf) to make it 'creamier' but of course, it makes this traditional dip *so* not vegan.

here's the recipe!

My Low Fat Baba Ganouj Recipe

2 eggplants
1 T olive oil (or less!)
2 T of tahini (you can cut this back to 1 T if your eggplants are smaller).
2 T minced garlic, ideally roasted
1.5 T lemon juice
1 T sriracha sauce (or more, to taste)
dash fresh black pepper
dash himalayan sea salt
dash smoked paprika
dash liquid smoke.

thoroughly wash and remove stickers from your two eggplants. Pierce repeatedly with a fork and roast at 400 for an hour, rotating once at 30 minutes. You want them to be really soft.

Cut the stems off and place in a food processor along with the rest of the ingredients, and puree well.

Vegan, Gluten Free, and low fat. Ta Daaah! (and not a trace of mayo. Why would you even do that.)