This raw cleanse is really working well for my physical fitness!
The morning after I decided to see how many crunches I could do before my abs started cramping (and stopped at 120 because I got tired of counting, not because I got cramped) my abs started to really pop, which shouldn't be surprising.
The surprising this was that I had no muscle ache, either in my abs or my arms, which I had also worked out that day. I had obviously exerted the muscles and toned and gotten new muscle (I build muscle very easily, which is really funny for a long-time vegan. Take that, whey protein!) but I didn't feel like I had done *anything* the day before.
I walk a *lot* during my days at work, and I am constantly up and down the stairs, often carrying heavy boxes. I've noticed in this past week that it seems that I can feel every individual muscle in my legs and glutes as I go up and down the stairs. I'm much more conscious of the movement of the individual muscles and how the are working to move me. It's pretty neat. Also I find myself getting less out of breath during a hike than I used to. I feel internally as if my lower intestines are a little bloated, but when I look in the mirror I'm waaaay flatter through the tummy than I feel. Body dysmorphia is weird.
I'm going to work out again in a few minutes, and we'll see what my body does, this time!
I love experimenting on my body with different diets, cleanses and fasts. It's a great way to learn how your body works, what you as an individual respond best to in terms of exercises and nutrition. Our bodies are an awe-inspiring flesh machine that we have to tinker with. Really, it's the only thing we can completely call our own!
Be fearless in your pursuit of self-knowledge. It's a lot of fun.
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