Guys. Guys. Listen. I had the greatest smoothie for breakfast- spinach, parsley, almond milk and strawberry. And ginger.
It ended up being a glass of green pulp with red streaks, like some heartless beast had tossed Kermit into a blender. It tasted like pure deliciousness, however. Creamy, sweet, with a mild tang of green at the end- not like pureed frog in any way, shape or form. Which is for the best, really.
the amazing thing was that I actually had a body high after I drank it. Seriously. It was euphoria in a glass, and I'm contemplating another one...
*eyes blender lustfully*
...anyway. I digress.
This was the magic drink of magicness that Johnny made for me.
2 cups spinach
1 cup parsley
1 cup almond milk
6 strawberries
1 ping pong ball of ginger
Savoury smoothies are a new thing for me and I must say, I am a fan. Time to sacrifice a few carrots to the Juicer Gods, I think. One of my favourites is carrot/pear/ginger, but I'm loving the piles of green goodness in a glass. I will have to buy more kale today and do one with spinach, parsley, kale and maybe a scoop of avocado, or some celery...maybe some apples...
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