Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Day 06: An Avocado Shaped Incident.

I had a very, very broken sleep last night. My dog goes through phases of sleeping all night, followed by phases of 'lets wake mum up every two hours so I can go outside and maybe pee but probably just sniff raccoon tracks'. Last night was the latter. Frankly, every night for several weeks has been that.

There's a reason I'm a caffeine junky.

I meant to work out this morning and get a great start on the week, but hey! I was to tired! Ah, well. Tomorrow.

I'm not sure why, but the muscles in my right leg and glute were really achy all day- almost like my sciatic nerve had been aggravated or something. Despite having not done any leg workout except some hiking, and no distance unusual, my legs felt like I had done some serious gym work. It made doing stairs really hard.

I do a lot of running around at work, which wasn't too bad but going to and from work (still via TTC this month) the stairs felt like a lot of effort, as if my coat and bag and sweaters were extra heavy. I'm not sure if this is diet-related or sleep related or what, but it's unusual for me. I'll keep you posted.

onwards to food!

I was determined to stick as closely to 80/10/10 as possible today so I had an insanely good smoothie for breakfast (banana, spinach. parsley, strawberry, orange, ginger, almond milk) which, once again, gave me an insane body buzz for several minutes after drinking it. This is something that I will very likely incorporate into my diet once this experiment is over- way,way more smoothies. They are the greatest.

instead of 20 almonds for a snack a while later, I had 10 which was more than enough to fill the hunger gap- and a banana! Always a banana. OOK.

Lunch, I feel like I cheated a wee bit and had a Subway veggie delite salad instead of a pile of fruit, but I wanted pickles, dammit. It was good- and that with a coconut water was surprisingly filling!
....I also had a banana. There may be a theme here.

I nipped over to the green grocery and picked myself up some healthy snacks for the afternoon- an apple, a small tub of dehydrated plums and surprise!! Another bunch of bananas! I could have swung to the green grocer through the hydro wires by my tail.

Yes, dehydrated plums...also known as prunes. Famed as a snack for constipated old ladies, I find them delicious and 5, the recommended serving, has 0 fat, 100 calories and tons of vitamins! I regret nothing.

So midafternoon snacking was prunes, banana and the dregs of my coconut water. I wasn't hungry enough to commit to a full apple- at work it's really hard find the time to sit and chew one of those bad boys. Last time I tried, it took me an hour of taking a bite, putting it down, helping a customer...etc.

So, sure enough, but the time I got home I was hovering at a fully respectable 8% fat for the day and feeling good...and then, I made guacamole.

Which would have been ok, if I'd just eaten an avocado; OK, probably 1/2 an avocado on this diet. But still. See, you have to taste it while making it to see if it's right, right? whoops. Boy, was it goooood.

So for dinner I had guacamole with yellow pepper and broccoli for dippings. But my end of day ratio was 71/22/7 so I totally messed myself up. Damned guacamole. Why are you SO GOOD?

I think it's fair to say that I'm having trouble, after a week, hitting the 10% fat mark. If it's not a rogue cookie, it's too many nuts or oil or an avocado. I'm used to eating quite a bit of healthy fats (nuts etc, very little oil) but it's hard, especially in the evenings, to not accidentally 'treat' myself and go over my limit.

Dear Self: I know it's hard to adjust to, but you can do it! Portion control and pre planning!
Rah Rah Rah!

I think I will save basically all my fats for the evening today and see if it makes it easier for me to stick to the magic ratio. Here's what I ate today. guacamole SHAME!!

Regardless, and even including the Planned Cheating of yesterday, I weighed in this morning at 170.6, a further loss. Johnny is worried I'll get too skinny, but it's all in the name of experimenting on this amazing flesh machine we call a body.

And, if I do, there's always more guacamole. Mmmm.

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